Showing posts with label Digital marketing Agency for startups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital marketing Agency for startups. Show all posts

Friday, 19 February 2021

How Digital Marketing Agency for Startups adds Value to Branding for Startups

A startup is the brain-child of a visionary at heart and an entrepreneur in mind. It is built from the ground up with immense amount of passion and belief. In the face of a highly competent and cluttered market, shining out seems like a herculean task. This is where communication steps in and creates a pathway for awareness, recall and trust.

With the birth of a new idea, a new business model emerges and it is important to understand how communication can fundamentally affect the success of a startup. To avoid remaining unknown and unrecognised, a startup should invest in a proper Digital Marketing Agency for Startups with proven communication strategy, as it creates the image, controls the reputation and helps in brand building.

PR provides the correct platforms to tell your story

During the initial phase of a startup, a good PR strategy can be really beneficial. It can provide the opportunity to connect with the target audience through the help of the media. PR can help in mapping the right opportunities that would help the startup achieve its goals. An effective PR strategy is essential for a startup given that often it could get lost in the chaos of the very busy Indian startup ecosystem. PR has the ability to impact the company’s perception, and as a consequence, its revenue and the investor opportunities that it is looking for.

Positive PR and media relations can have a remarkable effect on the acceptance of a startup along with consistent efforts and creativity. To back the communication there must be leverage in terms of quality products and adhering to promises from the company’s side.

PR should be integrated into the daily routine of a startup. There must be a pro-active approach in place with short-term tactics and a long-term strategy. It will help in building a deeper relationship with the media, which is a key influencer for the people. This enhances the brand and its image, while constantly keeping the audience updated on the company’s proceedings. PR holds the consumer’s interest together with creative campaigns and ideas that maintain their engagement with the company.

PR helps build Credibility

Being a small pawn in the mammoth business means that the consumers are most likely to be unaware of the company. Today, consumers are smart and like to stay informed. With the ease of access, they dwell into research before associating with a brand. This is where news coverage in the leading and reputed publication plays an important role in molding the decision of the consumer. It provides the much-needed credibility to the services and products, given that the company is relatively new.

PR establishes the founder as a thought Leader

In order to achieve the status of an established and trusted company, not only do the products and services have to be excellent, but also the founders have to be established as thought leaders and knowledge experts in the field.

PR makes this real by crafting opinion pieces by the founder, landing comments in business articles and targeting the correct media for the optimum results. This brings in recognition and recall in the consumers’ mind which in turn positions the founder as a thought leader. Building thought leadership is a gradual process, which brings us back to point that PR needs to be integrated into a startup’s daily routine.

PR is the best platform for creative storytelling

Storytelling is essential for startups as it assists in building the brand. With the ongoing digital wave, it is the responsibility of the brands to creatively and tactfully craft their key messages which when conveyed directly interests the target audience.

Communication puts in a constant effort to actively tell a startup’s story. The persistent reiteration of who the company and its founders are, help in driving home this agenda. It emphasizes on the key messages that the company stands for and wants to be recognised for to its consumers. The compelling stories emotionally connect and engage the target audience that in turn builds brand loyalty.

PR crafts the perfect narrative

A solid message sets the foundation for any communication that follows. The key message needs to be well-crafted, clear, crisp and strong. This message is consistently put out across all forms of communication. With this repeated exposure, the narrative starts seeping into the consumers’ mind which helps them understand the company and its positioning much better. Developing a clear and concise messaging platform that resonates with the key target audience is essential to a successful startup’s identity in the marketplace.

Having a message strategy puts everyone on the same page as far as understanding the startup, what its value proposition is and its story.


Thursday, 31 December 2020

How to choose a Digital Marketing Agency for your Startup?

Most startups today are tech-driven in one way or another. One can easily say that it is the need of the hour. While startups do realise the importance of technology in businesses, many still neglect the significance of digital marketing. However, for startups to make the cut amidst tight competition, employing digital marketing strategies is important, or rather, essential. 

This is where digital marketing agency for startups has a role to play. While many believe in in-house marketing, it is safe to say that the job should rather be given to a group of dedicated digital marketing professionals who know their job best. 

But how does one choose a digital marketing agency for their startup? Here are some tips: 

1. Know your Goals

A startup needs to understand their communication goals, both long term, and short term. This goal should match the strengths of the chosen digital marketing agency for the desired outcome. 

2. The Agency’s Experience in the Startup Industry 

While streamlining an agency for your startup, you must analyse whether startups are the agency’s foray at all. Have they dealt with startups before? Do they understand the startup ecosystem? If they do, do they have relevant experience in the industry your startup belongs to? These are some questions you must address internally before reaching out. 

3. Industry Reputation

One would only want to be associated with a digital marketing agency that has a strong industry reputation. A digital marketing agency for startups must carefully be chosen basis the clients that the agency has had in the past. 

4. Team Members 

While this one might be difficult to assess in the first go, team members of the agency and the company must have a similar work ethic or culture. This will ensure efficiency in work and a long-term relationship for the future. 

Genesis BCW’s Step Up is an agency dedicated to achieving communication goals for startups. With considerable work experience in the startup ecosystem, the team at Step Up helps clients in finding the right digital marketing strategies for their business.